Friday, November 20, 2009

crafty gifts and other goings on.

Where did November go? Can it really be the 20th already?
Although I have been a bad blogger lately, I have gotten lots of crafty things done, including: 2 sets of beanbags, another hedgehog, some new illustrations, a memory game for YaYa, and this owl (for a good laugh, see my first post here):
Hooty Hoot Hoo! I love this guy...I whipped him up while watching a very exciting Colts game last weekend with the hubby. His body is the arm of a thrifted, felted sweater; his ears the cuff. Oh, how I do hate my wood paneling, though (as pictured behind Mr. Owl). I would love to see this room painted, but I'm afraid it's too full of our life (2 computer desks, 2 dog cages, a dining room table and misc. toys) to ever be emptied and painted. Ah well, I am way too thankful for everything that I DO have to get stuck on that. :)
And here is the memory game I made for YaYa for Christmas. Hubby had been given boxes full of old science textbooks to e-bay or get rid of as he liked (still sitting in garage), so I took two books that were the same and cut out matching pictures from each, pasted them on cardstock & laminated them. There are 16 sets of cards in the deck, but we'll probably only play with 5 or 6 sets to start. It's a gift that can grow as YaYa does!
On Monday, YaYa and I broke into her very first pomegranate. Pomegranates have always been such a magical fruit to me, and I wanted to share that magic with my little one. When I was young, my parents had an Indian friend, Om, who would bring us over exotic fruits to try, including mangos, pomegranates & starfruit. Twenty-some years ago, these fruits weren't available in the grocery stores like they are now. Pomegranates were so amazing to me, with their hundreds of sparkling red jewels inside!! I think that's why I like these garnets so well now, they remind me of the pom jewels. Anyways, YaYa was as impressed and amazed as I had hoped she would be, and gobbled up the pretty little jewels until she was covered from head to toe with the purple juice!!

mmm...I love seeing those chubby little fingers reaching into a bowl of such beautiful fruit!

Till next time...



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