Wednesday, October 14, 2009

more felted owls

I am a hypocrite. All I can think about is making a cute little felted owl to perch on a branch in my daughter's room. And while I'm at it, does anyone have a simple recipe for a good bread? This fall weather has me ready to try my hand at baking my first loaf. Thoughts of the scent of freshly baked bread keep swirling through my head. That, along with the image of cutting through the crusty shell into the soft goodness. (Stop it, Hav, this is not helping!)

I made a delicious apple cake tonight from the spoils of yesterday's trip to the orchard. My inspiration came from maya*made, and you can find her post and recipe here. She's absolutely right...doubling the recipe is a must. YaYa & hubby & I gobbled it up. And I wanted to throw in one more picture from the orchard. This one's my fav.
So, about my salutation, "Chair". It all started in middle school with my friends Laura & Elizabeth. We were all in French together, and when we learned that the French for chair is silla, we couldn't resist. Instead of saying "See ya!", we would tell each other "chair!" It became our official sign-off, and so remains mine today. Here's to middle school...awkward bodies, poofy perms & ginormous glasses. I don't miss you at all.



  1. followed your link from Maya Made, happy blogging! I made the apple cake today, also in a loaf pan. Unfortunately I live no where near a real apple tree, but looks like you had fun!

  2. Hope you don't stop, Hav. You're wonderful with words and your photos are lovely, too! Glad you enjoyed the cake... maybe an owl really is next:)
