Wednesday, January 13, 2010

her palette.

Isn't it wonderful? A whole day with my girlie is just bliss...and a Wednesday even better! We ran errands together, we slept, we snacked, we painted...and painted and painted!

I love this expression! She is so intense when she paints...and mostly serious. Although, when I dug up my "That Thing You Do" soundtrack, that got both of us giggling and bouncing!

(She doesn't like to have anything on her head or in her hair, but I convinced her to wear a special "painting headband" to keep her hair out of her eyes!)

YaYa + Momma = happy day!

p.s. - My new header is my first work of art using my Wacom Tablet (with YaYa on my lap). Yes, obviously it will take some getting used to, but I'm so excited for all the possibilities! So for now, enjoy the wacky family portrait. :)


  1. hey! i didnt know you were blogging! I LOVE IT! I totally love painting with Corban too. I bought him a little canvas and he just adds to it all the time. One day someone came over and was like, "I love that peice of art! Where'd ya get it?" HA! LOVE IT! Oh, i miss you, Hav! We could be painting with our babies together!!!!

  2. dude, LOVE the blog header. Go Wacom! (You forgot to draw in the Matt doll though...) Love Leena's painting face too!

  3. You're right Betsy, I did forget the Matt doll! He's an integral part of the family!! :)
