For our Valentine's Day supper last night, I made bacon and waffles with a strawberry sauce and a coconut milk based chocolate mousse. It was delicious, and you MUST try the chocolate mousse recipe, but it was the stuff the tummy aches are made of!
This morning, we went back to the basics with our favorite healthy smoothie! Leena loves helping me make our smoothies. She's a great helper, gathering ingredients & helping blend with our immersion blender. I had heard her crying during the night, so while we were smoothie-ing, I asked her if she'd had a bad dream. She shook her head, yes, "but I just prayed instead, Mommy." Makes a mommy's heart happy!
Hav's full o' good stuff smoothie
(all amounts are changes every time)
1 big handful of baby spinach
1/4 cup dry oats
1 frozen banana
1/4 cup frozen mango chunks
handful of frozen blueberries
3 tbsp. natural peanut butter
probiotics (powdered)
squirt of honey (not necessary, but a squirt of honey never hurts!)
vanilla almond milk, enough to blend to desired consistency
Blend & enjoy!
Oh, and I love adding a bit of canned coconut milk to this recipe, but I didn't have an open can on hand. It makes it super smooth and creamy, and it's a nice contrast to the texture of the oats.